





Dear Sirs:

Further to our preliminary non-binding proposal dated June 6, 2023 (the “Proposal”) regarding our proposed acquisition (the “Acquisition”) of Chindata Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”), we hereby reiterate our full commitment to working with the Special Committee towards an expeditious and mutually beneficial consummation of the Acquisition. We continue to believe that our Proposal represents a compelling opportunity for the Company’s shareholders, providing an attractive valuation with high degree of certainty.

We in the aggregate beneficially own approximately 42.17% of the total issued and outstanding share capital of the Company, representing 87.39% of the total voting power of the Company. We reaffirm that we do not intend to sell any shares beneficially owned by us in the Company to any third party nor pursue any alternative transaction, and we remain fully committed to pursuing the Acquisition contemplated by our Proposal.

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